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BootstrapCK-Skin by Kunstmaan


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The BootstrapCK-Skin is a skin for CKEditor based on Twitter Bootstrap styles. Popups are also skinned.
Some things couldn't be changed inside the skin, like the smileys and the position of the browse buttons when inserting an image or a flash.
Here's how you fix that:


Go to plugins > smiley > dialogs , and replace smiley.js with this one.
And grab your new images over here.

Browse buttons

Go to plugins > image > dialogs > image.js and to plugins > flash > dialogs > flash.js
In both, change the margin-top to 17px (instead of 10px).

Icon set

The icons used for this skin are from the “FamFamFam Silk” icon set.
You can download them here


Indri Kenens (


Kunstmaan (


You can download this project in either zip or tar formats.

You can also clone the project with Git by running:

$ git clone git://